
Harper Twins {Madison & Kieran}

My good friend Karine and her husband Eamon welcomed these two beauties (precious lil' gingers!) into the world on January 13th 2012.

My first session photographing twins and it went incredibly well. The two bundles slept peacefully throughout the entire session! What a dream they were :)

I'm incredibly excited to share these images on the blog and super pleased with how they turned out, enjoy!

Congrats again Karine and Eamon!


The many faces of Zavier {My nephew}

This post is incredibly overdue...

My oldest sister had a big year last year which included; getting married, moving into a beautiful home and giving birth to my nephew Zavier. One of the two new lil' men in my life (blog post to come on the other handsome lil' guy). She manage to fit all her BIG moments in 2011 and the most exciting one (to me) was this tiny fella.

Not even 10 days old and Zavier had the most expressive face a newborn could have, he continues to surprise us now at 4 months old with his massive personality. His constant "surprised" expressions and mischievous looks are one of a kind and makes me wonder what this tiny person will grow up to be like.

My sister happens to be a teacher, which is why this shot is so fitting...

Congrats again to the Saxty newlyweds, on your beautiful baby boy. Love you Zav.


I'm Back! {Sarah & Tom's Wedding}

Happy New Year!

Yikes! I seem to have taken a lil' hiatus from the blog... actually looking back at my last post (errr in June) it seems more like a retirement... but i'm back!
Please stay tuned for some 2011 goodness that i have yet to share on the blog and a taste of what's to come in 2012 :)

This was my last wedding of 2011, and one of my favorites from 2011. Check 'em out!