I haven't quite decided what exactly this blog will consist of yet. I'm thinking mainly photos from various shoots, recent and older. But i think i may also include some personal work and thoughts and opinions on the happenings in my world, professional and personal.
That being said i thought it would be appropriate to start my first post by introducing my favorite model.
I've come across some beautiful, lovely models in the past but this one is by far the most stunning of them all and she happens to be my very own niece. Maybe i'm a little biased, but she sure is darling don't you think?
I don't have children of my own and i'm far from even having any, to be honest i never thought i even wanted any. It's not that i don't adore children, but i just never pictured having my own. Its seems after falling madly in love with my niece i've reconsidered the notion of maybe having some ankle bitters of my own one day. But for now i'm just diggin' being an auntie and a godmother.
So here she is miss Alexandra Taylor

I've been keeping these from my sister, they were my favorite shots from an impromptu shoot we did a couple weeks ago, i wanted to save them for this blog post.

I'm loving the new trend in accessories for babies lately, like the hair bands with big flower embellishments. I've seen some adorable ones on Etsy (have you checked out Etsy? Similar to Ebay but all things are handmade) and i think i'm going to invest in a few for future baby photo sessions, but for now this is my homemade version of one that i made using my own accessories. It's a little bit indian princess-ish, but i like the way it turned out.

Happy to be the first one to post a comment.
Couldn't pass since I am your mom AND Alexandra's grand-maman......I may be biased but what a combination!!!!
Bonne chance avec ton nouveau site web et ton blog!!!!!!
7 months young and grandpapa's favourite.
Love the shots, can't wait for the site. She is as beautiful as her aunt. Jutta
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