I just wish there were more hours in the day lately. It's difficult playing catch up when summer has hit full on like this. I constantly have to make the decision between patio drinks and poolside sunning or editing indoors in front of the glowing screen for hours on end... i know eh? hard decision.
I'm going to be spending the next couple of days playing catch up indoors, plowing through some editing and hopefully i'll be able to share some pics soon from my last two "fash the dress" sessions.
I finally finished editing the session i had with the beautiful Downey family a couple weeks ago.
This is actually the second time i've photographed them and i have to say round two was definitely more succesfull than round one. The first time i shot them the kids did not want to be photographed, at all! It was a tough shoot, i was able to capture some great moments regardless but this time around they were hamming it up and loving the camera!
Emmett is absolutely gorgeous, and i have a feeling she's going to be trouble when she's older.
Henry is an absolute cutie, and doesn't he have the greatest hair for a lil guy.
I think this couch made for a great prop out in the middle of the field. Especially when the kids were bored of the field and grass it was something else for them to play on.
And now for some more cute... baby Avery
Aren't these ones of Johanna and Avery absolutely precious
Avery is one of the most relaxed, chill, content babies i've ever met, she's the perfect baby really.
Beautiful little Ella came by for a visit with her mom Jenn at the end of our shoot. I photographed her over a year ago when she was a baby and i just can't believe how fast they grow.
I snapped a couple of the two girls together and i'm loving the expressions on their faces in this one.