In addition to having her home i'm kicking off the start of my holidays this wkd. What a great way to start the summer!
I'm slowly catching up on all my editing and i'm hoping to accomplish a lot this week before my holidays commence. Things are going to be absolutely mad when i get back, i just know it.
A lil' while ago i head out to Waterloo to meet Dianne and her wedding dress.
Dianne lives in Iqaluit, Nunavut and she travelled all the way here just to have me photograph her! No, no, that's a lie.... She actually already had plans to visit for a friends wedding and had contacted me about doing a 'fash the dress' sesssion on the long wkd. It had rained on her wedding day last year and she never got the kind of shots she had in mind.
Fash the dress sessions are such a fantastic way to rock that dress one more time. Regardless if you had amazing pictures taken on you're wedding day or not. It really is a great way to be able to wear your dress again and have your very own fashion shoot.
I've currently editing my sisters 'fash the dress' session and i'm hoping to post that one up in a couple days, i know she's incredibly anxious to see them.
Here are a few pics from my session with Dianne.
Sarah, I am just in love with your work. You are amazing!!!
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