It's official... i have summer fever.You know that feeling where all you want to do is lye in the sun, swim, stay up late having delicious cocktails, sleep in and spend all your time with family and friends. Work? Editing? What's that?Right about now i'm feeling a wee bit envious of my sisters, one of them on maternity leave and the other a teacher. Which means, they get to really enjoy these exquisite, steamin' hot summer days. Those lucky girls!As for me, i've been stuck indoors editing like mad :(
However, i do get to enjoy the wkds with minimal work and last saturday was a superb summer day! Ideal summer temps coupled with the perfect poolside company. My sisters, Allie (my niece) and some of the girls came over to enjoy the gorgie day. Really makes me wish i lived somewhere with this kind of weather all year round... Then again, i would most likely have summer fever all year long and not get anything accomplished.The adorable 'lil Allie (and her bum!) with her lovely parents.
Mama smooches.
Enjoying a handful of mama's hair.