
The Drysdales

I'm loving this rainy day Friday. I feel like i need a couple days of rain to really get some work done indoors. It's been so hard to spend hours in front of the computer screen editing while the sun is beaming outside.

A couple weeks ago when the heat was absolutely unbearable (i swear it was the hottest day yet this summer) i spent the afternoon snapping some shots of the Drysdale family. Despite running after the two cuties while sweating buckets, i had a great time. I'm really surprised they lasted that long outdoors, it was literally a thick wall of steaming hot humidity!

I have to say i've never seen such fabulous curls on a little girl, Jada's curls are just wild!

Peek - a - boo

Such a lil man Logan is.

Big Browns eyes.

Jada with her big "CHEESE" smile.


Summer Fever

It's official... i have summer fever.

You know that feeling where all you want to do is lye in the sun, swim, stay up late having delicious cocktails, sleep in and spend all your time with family and friends.
Work? Editing? What's that?

Right about now i'm feeling a wee bit envious of my sisters, one of them on maternity leave and the other a teacher. Which means, they get to really enjoy these exquisite, steamin' hot summer days. Those lucky girls!
As for me, i've been stuck indoors editing like mad :(

However, i do get to enjoy the wkds with minimal work and last saturday was a superb summer day! Ideal summer temps coupled with the perfect poolside company.
My sisters, Allie (my niece) and some of the girls came over to enjoy the gorgie day. Really makes me wish i lived somewhere with this kind of weather all year round... Then again, i would most likely have summer fever all year long and not get anything accomplished.

The adorable 'lil Allie (and her bum!) with her lovely parents.

Mama smooches.

Enjoying a handful of mama's hair.


I have a website!!!

It' finally here!

This has been in the works for some time now and i'm incredibly relieved and excited that it's finished. Back in February i decided it was time for a website. I hired a talented web designer and we went to work. He came up with a brilliant design and i've been so excited about it ever since. Unfortunately we ran into some road blocks along the way that halted it's progress. But as of today it's up and running!

Check it out:


Let me know what you think.

PS. A HUGE thank you to my girls/my biggest supporters (you know who you are) for all he help!




I'm still here! I know it's been ages since my last post but i'm back!

June was such a hectic month for me. Between the road trip, patio sangrias, long wkds with the girls by the beach and family time by the pool; it's hard to fit in a spare moment to blog... let alone edit all the fabulouis shoots i've had in the last month!!

This is a shoot i did a few weeks ago of Andrea and her siblings. They wanted some pics of themselves as a gift for their mom on her 60th birthday, what a great idea!

I've known Andrea for a few years now and it was great to meet her sisters and her Harley driving brother. I had such a great time shooting them in Hillsburgh, especially since the afternoon turned out to be a beautiful one filled with clear, sunny blue skies.

I also snapped a few of 'lil Leah who was tagging along for the shoot, what a cutie she is!

Adorable 'lil Leah!

Sporting her amish-esque hatwear.

Just like a sunflower...